Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I always used to say that every family has problems but I think now that while some think they do, this is a matter of degree.

My youngest sister (age 60) now writes that she wants to know what her options are for coming to live in our town which is on the other side of the US from Florida where she currently resides with an elderly lady. Really - I don't want her here and that sounds awful and selfish. And it is. I suppose I could find her housing, I could pay for it (she has zero income and no money). What I cannot do is be near her - she drives me nuts. She is crazy. The good thing is she has no knowledge of how to get on the Internet.

One would think that by this time in life, we would have worked out these problems in families. After all we have had a lifetime to prepare for them. But it is easier to not deal with them when we don't have to. And the question really is, do I have to deal with it now? It is really not my problem.



At 5:56 AM, Blogger annie said...

oh my god!! i wish i could think of some decent advice for you... we've always worried about what would happen when she could no longer live with Pam. i wonder what happened to the rumor that she and norma were thinking about living together? talk about two peas in a pod. i'll think on this, although not so sure i'll be ble to come up with a solution. could she live by herself if you paid for her to have housing in LC?


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