Trying new things

I am beginning to wonder why I keep on trying new things. This week, I was equally inept at both Spanish and ice-skating.
It is hard to remember all the new words we get in Spanish although I do have a good handle on conjugating verbs. I really need a couple of months in Mexico! Some of us have been casually talking about this and maybe it will materialize.
And ice-skating - first I hate to fall and Alex wanted us all to fall and get up. Apparently this is on the list of things you need to do in order to pass the first phase in the syllabus (?). I did not do it although I have been practicing at home and may try in on Tues. Then after gliding, he demonstrated edging and cross-overs -presuming we were all good at skating on one foot. We responded with a deer-in-the-headlight look! My new skates have been ordered. Maybe they will help.
It is 14 degrees outside this morning and expected to stay cold for awhile - the good thing is that the sun is shining.
i'm up for a cpuple of months in mexico. of course, i can't go until august 2007, but still...
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