Thursday, March 02, 2006


I have seen this "tagging" before but did not expect it to happen to me - thanks Jane - but in the spirit of play here goes:

Four jobs I've had:
- Information operator for Brooklyn and Queens phone system
- Waitress
- Programmer
- System Analyst

Four movies I can watch over and over:
- Six Days and Seven Nights....good lines from Harrison Ford...
I don't really watch movies although I enjoyed two this year:
Brokeback Mtn and Walk the Line and would see them again.....

Four places I've lived:
- Tacoma, WA
- New Orleans, LA
- Troy, NY
- Inwood, NY

Four TV shows I like:
- 60 Minute Meals
- Dancing with the Stars
- Judge Judy
- CBS News with Brian Schieffer

Four places I've vacationed:
- Costa Rica
- Great Exuma, Bahamas
- Owyhee Desert, Oregon
- San Diego

Four of my favorite dishes:
- George's Barbqued Chicken
- Rachel Ray's Seafood Cioppino
- Salmon Cantonese style with black bean sauce
- Chile Rellenos

Four sites I visit daily:
- Jane's blog from Russia
- Time Goes BY
- FillyJonks Progress
- Baghdad Burning

Four books I've read this year:
- THe Poet of Tolstoy Park,
- The Coroners Lunch
- A Sue Henry mystery
- A JA Jance mystery set in Ashland, Oregon

Four Bloggers I'm Tagging:
None - this was more than enough for me!!


At 5:03 AM, Blogger annie said...

mmm.... george's chicken.... yum.....


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