Saturday, February 11, 2006

Signs of Spring and the cat

A crocus is blooming on the south side of the house and the sun is shining. The temp should be near 50 today. Brie just likes to lie in the sunny spots around the house. And chase balls of yarn that I have left lying around for her. She will not let me alone when I am knitting - those strands of yarn moving every which way are just too much fun! At first we had all these rules for Brie - no getting up on counters and no sleeping with us at night. Well forget all of that - she now rules the house. She likes to sleep on a couch with a teddy bear at night but always manages to snuggle in with us in the morning. She likes to get up on the kitchen counter for a better view of the birds and to find out what's for dinner. Such a life.

This morning I am going to walk up Badger with a few friends. Then we are picking Kim up at the airport from her week in Mexico and will fly her from here to her place up the valley. Tonight is a "Sweetheart Ball" at the Eagles. The good thing is that lots of singles come and everyone dances. I hate the idea of this sweetheart thing as while it's nice to have a partner, it is more important that everyone is included in having fun. And, in our case, we have more friends who are single than married.

All this keeps me away from the news which is just getting more contentious. Hearing Mike Brown yelling, hearing about all the continuing FEMA problems, seeing people still without housing - it all makes you wonder why we bother with hearings - just fix the problem. And then all this Middle Eastern stuff. Last night a friend told me her daughter was going to Mongolia by herself and mom was worried - I said I thought it might be the safest place out there and it sure sounded like a lot of fun - she would be traveling on horseback and sleeping in tents.

And one final thing found on the Time Goes By site:
Daily Show's Jon Stewart's spoof of Bush:
Camera cuts to a recent Bush speech, of Bush proclaiming: "I don't like doubt." Camera cuts back to Stewart in apelike Bush stance: "It hurts mah think-bone."


At 12:04 AM, Blogger annie said...

there's no hope.... that cat *always* gets what she wants :-) it's easier just to give in than to fight it.


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