Friday, January 13, 2006

Knitting with ribbon

Over the holidays, I made a drop stitch scarf out of Lion Brand Incredible yarn. It really isn't yarn but ribbon. The pattern I used was rather simple. I cast on 15 stitches, knit 6 rows, then did a drop stitch on every stitch and then repeated this pattern until the correct length. I made one of these scarves for our friend Cathy in Berkeley and one for Kim. Kim is a young (mid-30's) surgeon in a community up the valley about 60 miles away. The scarves seem to suit them. They would not be for keeping warm but more as a decorative item to wear when they go dancing!

Last Saturday, Kim came to our town to go hiking with me. It was pouring rain so instead we went to the knitting store and then she stayed to go dancing. The public makes these two activities seem so different as if infirmed elderly people knit while active people of all ages dance. Actually I find knitting relaxing but especially when I have time "to kill" like watching tv or as a passenger in the car. Cathy's scarf was knit on our road trip to CA.

Today I am going to go to exercise and then do a little shopping. Tonight I am having my friend Pat and Kim over for dinner and then we are going to see Pat's son (who is 45) in his first acting role in a local play. Pat is very nervous but I am sure her son will do fine.


At 3:13 AM, Blogger annie said...

awaiting more posts!!!



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