Okay Jane, you have motivated me. The problem with a blog is that I am never sure I have anything to say or that anyone is really interested. But today I wanted to tell someone about a book I read over the holidays and wasn't sure she would be even interested so I thought it better to share it here. Maybe I should just keep track of books I have read on this blog!The book is The Coroner's Lunch by Colin Cotterill. It is a mystery set in Laos after the Communist takeover. The coroner is a 72 year old man who is very curious about everything. It is set in a country that I know little about. I found it fun and interesting. I sent a copy to son George in Seattle, I also reccommended it to a friend who then chose it for a book group she is in....I am always encouraged when I like something and others do too. Here is one review altho you will find others out there.
Right now I am reading a Sue Henry mystery set in Alaska. It is more what I would call an easy read....following a JA Jance one set in Seattle. Both of these are of the same ilk ie. written by someone very familiar with the local scenery. Jance sets all her stories in Seattle. And Sue Henry includes all the typical ALaskan fare. This one (Sleeping Lady) is good because it has lots of airplanes in it and they fly out of an airport I visited when I was in Anchorage for a 99s meeting two years ago. And thus the attraction of these types of books - you know something of the area!
The Coroner's Lunch sounds intruiging... i'll have to read it when i get the chance...
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