Monday, March 27, 2006


On one hand, I am ready to quit doing this as I haven't said much on much of anything! On the other hand, I feel I have lots to say and just have to get going on it. We will see what happens.

This Saturday we were in Yakima for a dance workshop. We have met so many nice people through dancing and Saturday was no exception. After learning cool moves in Night Club 2-step and West Coast Swing, we all came back at 7 for a dinner and dancing to a live band. The band opened with an Elvis song and it just got better from there. We met two nice women (whom George had been dancing with in the morning while I attended another meeting). And it turned out that one is a doctor that Kim deals with routinely over the phone and had never met - anyway we all enjoyed ourselves and hopefully will remember some of the dance steps in a week.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Busy week

Every week seems busy and I don't for a moment think of it as just wasting time.

Yesterday we flew up the valley where our friend Kim rents a duplex just by the airport. We suprised her but she was "on call" and we knew she could not go very far. We walked to a nearby restaurant and had breakfast and then took her for a flight. I had not done a very good landing on arrival but did one landing at a nearby town and then a perfect landing to deliver her home. We gave her a flyer for a dance next Saturday and all three of us signed up. It is really a day of instruction and then a dance at night. It is in Yakima. I have to be there anyway for a 99's board meeting so I will drop off George and Kim and then join them in the afternoon for more lessons and dancing. Fun!

And this week also has ice skating, exercise (always lots of that), Spanish, and an aviation activity I volunteered to help with at a local school.

And Cathy is arriving from California the following weekend. She is coming to help celebrate my birthday - and dancing is definitely on the schedule for that!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Foreign films

Often foreign films seem weird to me. But so do some American films. Anyway we saw 3 Iron Friday night - a Korean film . Hardly any dialogue - in fact the main character never spoke! I am still trying to figure it out. George says it was a dream. I'm not thinking that. A review is here and there are others on the Internet.

I like to see foreign films because I think they give us a glimpse into another culture although I suspect that most of the people in other countries mostly watch our movies.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Check out the "oscar awards" on Baghdad Burning .

Thursday, March 02, 2006


I have seen this "tagging" before but did not expect it to happen to me - thanks Jane - but in the spirit of play here goes:

Four jobs I've had:
- Information operator for Brooklyn and Queens phone system
- Waitress
- Programmer
- System Analyst

Four movies I can watch over and over:
- Six Days and Seven Nights....good lines from Harrison Ford...
I don't really watch movies although I enjoyed two this year:
Brokeback Mtn and Walk the Line and would see them again.....

Four places I've lived:
- Tacoma, WA
- New Orleans, LA
- Troy, NY
- Inwood, NY

Four TV shows I like:
- 60 Minute Meals
- Dancing with the Stars
- Judge Judy
- CBS News with Brian Schieffer

Four places I've vacationed:
- Costa Rica
- Great Exuma, Bahamas
- Owyhee Desert, Oregon
- San Diego

Four of my favorite dishes:
- George's Barbqued Chicken
- Rachel Ray's Seafood Cioppino
- Salmon Cantonese style with black bean sauce
- Chile Rellenos

Four sites I visit daily:
- Jane's blog from Russia
- Time Goes BY
- FillyJonks Progress
- Baghdad Burning

Four books I've read this year:
- THe Poet of Tolstoy Park,
- The Coroners Lunch
- A Sue Henry mystery
- A JA Jance mystery set in Ashland, Oregon

Four Bloggers I'm Tagging:
None - this was more than enough for me!!