Thursday, August 31, 2017

I am still alive.

Kind of silly really.  That is, me posting again.  I gave it up 10 years ago and am discovering that I am still out there in blogoshpere.  Let's see where time went. 

2008 - Husband had heart attack - got a defibrillator in him and is still around.  Son had MRSA - 3 surgeries later he finished his degree and went to Asia teaching.  Back now and in Seattle.

2009 -2016 - Lots of trips, lots of gardens, lots of hikes, visits from grandchildren, many dance steps.  The hardest thing has been friends who have passed away.  Last year it was my close friend Mary Ellen.  So hard to loose friends and family.

2017 - My mother-in-law passed away at 93.  And two days later, a grandson that she never knew showed up on my Ancestry account.  He was given up at birth 50 yrs ago.  Both his father and mother have died but he was so eager to connect to family that he made the trip from the East Coast to see us.  And all is good. We feel blessed.  Sad that he couldn't get to know his mom but we are trying to fill in the pieces.

I need to take time to reflect on what I want this "blog" to be.  I love to read others that are interesting and well-written.  I love the stories that people tell.  Biggest problem is time.  We look out and there seems to be such a limited amount of it - even worse when you are 74.  But feeling thankful for every minute of it.