Desert Hiking

I live in an area that is basically reclaimed desert. It is the Mid-Columbia area of Washington State. When we first moved here I hated it. The ecologist in me hated the fact that we have lawns and non-native trees that we have to use precious water to irrigate. At the time the envioronmentalist part hated the nuclear plants that were being built. And definitely I found it hard to communicate with many of my conservative friends.
Thinking back part of my not liking it here was that I was transplanted from a very different environment. Originally from New York, I had spent the prior 3 years in Tacoma and the west side of the state. I also was home with 2 young children and longing for things I enjoyed.
28 years later I love it here. I have found friends who are trying to make a difference. I like the small town atmosphere and low traffic. The weather always cooperates for flying. And hiking. I thought this place was devoid of hiking spots. But a little exploration opens up beautiful desert vistas. THe Columbia National Wildlife Refuge above Othello has some wonderful year round hiking trails.
Thanksgiving Day and this past Saturday I hiked up Badger Mountain. Hardly a mountain by any standards - but a beautiful hill. Last year at this time we were quite proud to be able to contribute to a campaign to save the top. Since then the Washington Trails Association lent their help to build a trail to the top. It replaces the old, rutted, very steep trail we used to hike up. And the most fun of this very nearby hike is seeing the trail get so much use. I have hiked it 3 times in the last week. I have seen probably a dozen people I know on it and many I did not know. From the top, to the south and west, are many new vineyards. To the East are the Blue mountains. And north one is looking out over the Columbia River and seeing the area that Lewis and Clark came upon.
I always said I wanted to live near a library and a mountain when I retired. I pictured the mountain with lots of trees and birds. Instead I have Badger. No trees but covered in the spring with balsam root and phlox. And maybe a rattlesnake or two!
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