
I got my pilot's license in 1993 just after I turned 50. I think that learning something new at an older age is one of the best things one can do for one's self esteem. Even as I write this I am thinking that trying to learn Spanish is not helping my self esteem right now - so it is possible that this doesn't work for everyone or everything!
I learned because I was not enjoying just being a passenger when I went flying with my husband. But I also learned because I was challenged - and not by him. My good friend Anne was taking lessons. When I learned that she was, my first thought was "If she can do it, then so can I!". The process was not easy - I had my moments wondering why I was putting myself through this. But I like learning, I like adventure, and I hate admitting defeat.
Once I got my license, I joined a woman's flying group called the 99's. I had never been in an all women group before - never joined a sorority or anything like that. But this group is wonderful. The women in it cannnot be put in any category. We have one lady who taught both my kids in first grade - and her husband hates to fly. We encourage one another. But most of all we have fun getting away from the routine of life. None of us are what one would call wealthy - but we gladly put other things on the back burner so we can get up in the air.
Our small group does a lot of programs for kids. We take them flying as part of the Experimental Aircraft Association's Young Eagles program. We put on an education day on Aviation each year - last year over 100 kids participated. We do units in the local AAU's Expanding Your Horizons program. We enjoy this because we feel we are role models and we can show young people some of the options that are out there for them.
One of the best things about our flying group is that I go flying without my husband. After a long marriage, one gets into habits and some of these involve leaning on the other for support. After the investment of time and money learning this skill, I like being able to do it myself. And I still feel that thrill that comes from feeling - I did it!
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