Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
- John Lennon
Hike in the Blues

Yesterday I went on a hike with a group of 13....all over fact that is the name of the hiking group. We do other things too like biking and kayaking. This hike was different in that we went 1800 ft downhill first to the Umatilla RIver and then had to hike back up. I think we all agreed it is better to start at the bottom and hike up. Lots of wildflowers were in bloom including clarkia, paintbrush and columbine.
Flying to Arlington

We usually don't go to these big flying events as weather and crowds can sometimes make them unpleasant. The NW EAA Fly-in runs over several days at Arlington. THis year the first few days had bad weather but since the forecast looked good for Friday, we decided to go. The night before we looked over all the procedures that we got on the internet. The idea was that since we were arriving on one of the two busiest days, there was a procedure that would minimize confusion. We were to fly to Green Valley where controllers would see us and identify us by our plane and color. They would have us rock our wings - no talking - and then follow their instructions. It was a beautiful day. We went over Stampede Pass and then headed up the valley. Over the grass field where the controllers were, we got their message - yellow and white Cessna, rock your wings. Perfect. We followed the plane ahead to Arlington and then into the field.
Once on the ground we were directed to a very spacious grass field where planes of every sort were parked - and many were set up for overnight camping. Lots of activity including an airshow. We visited the many exhibits, talked to Dan from the Big Bend Mechanics school where George had gone, saw Karin's nice C-140, ate well, and walked all over looking at planes. We left after the air show. The departure was interesting as two planes at a time lined up on either side of the runway for takeoff. We headed over Stevens Pass after taking off, then by Mt. Stuart. We went by Cathedral Rock where Jim and Crhistopher and I had camped back in the 80's - right by Mt Daniel. Too much fun! Were home by 7.
4th of July

We have three families with young kids living on our street surrounded by a number of retirees. It is great to see the young kids all the time. For the 4th they all decorated their bikes and then put on quite a show. Jacky sang the Star Spangled Banner which was outstanding! Then the parade began complete with a rocket ship float with 3 yr old Madeline waving hello to everyone. Then we had cake and ice cream followed by the fireworks.
Us old folks told stories of what the fireworks were like years ago on the block. How Brad lit one firecracker that burned a young girl's arm (she still has the scar altho I don't remember the incident but her mother does). How they would land on our shake roofs and it always seemed that there was wind. I have to admit it is nice not to have to worry about those things any more.
Trying Again
Since I have not written here for months, it seems obvious that this blogging may not be the thing for me but I am going to try again.
On Saturday I flew over the mtns to Payne Field. I had never been there before but my friend Carol flew in the right seat and was a big help in getting me to the airport. A perfectly calm day. All the peaks of the North Cascades were visible. On the way home we went by Green Pass where I took a picture of Goat Peak in front of Mt Ranier.
Sunday seven of us climbed Goat Peak. We met a party of four who had camped there the night before but no one else was on the trail. The hike is 10 miles round trip with a 3400 ft elevation gain. Not for the faint....we had three in our group who are training for Mt Adams. Lots of bear grass on the trail.