Hiking - Mt Rainier and Chinook Pass

Last week I went with the hiking group to Mt Rainier to hike 2nd Burroughs. The day was clear. I expected it to be cold but found I could unzip the lower part of my hiking pants and just do it in shorts. It was clear. Despite forest fires in the north, we could see clear up to the North Cascades and Glacier Peak. There were six of us so we all could fit in John's van. After our hike several got ice cream cones. I have been hiking with other people in this group before where we went to a restaurant and I was the only one who got something sweet. Some people are too healthy!
Then on Wednesday, George and I went up to Chinook Pass with Charlie and Barbara to pick huckleberries. At first we wandered off trail around Naches Peak and could find none. Since it was my idea, I was beginning to think I had miscalculated - or was it the incredibly dry season we have been having in the Northwest. Finally, we discovered immense patches of blueberries and settled in to pick. Afterwards we ate lunch overlooking Dewey Lake where a gray jay took a liking to us. He continually landed on George's hand to get a treat.
Afterwards we drove up to Sunrise. Where the week before had been clear, now it was smokey and hazy. Could barely make out the North Cascades peaks. Still it felt good to be up in the mountains as always.
I have been lazy on this blog but will try again.....