Sunday, October 30, 2005


I retired in 2001 just before 9/11. At the time I felt I was ready.

I had worked since I was 12 years old - first as a mother's helper in summers, then at a factory where we made Christmas decorations, then after school and during college vacations as an information operator for Brooklyn and Queens (411). When I graduated from college, I had a certificate to teach high school. Thinking I could always go back to teaching, I became a computer programmer for Metropolitan Life in NYC. I continued as a programmer with GE in upstate NY where I also got married.

I stayed home with my children for about 5 years and then started back part-time doing programming. By then we were living in the Northwest. My part time job became full time and I ended after 22 years as manager of a computer services group.

I felt I was ready to retire not because I did not enjoy the job - it was fun
seeing things get accomplished and I loved the people I worked with. But I was ready to do something different. But what? I was sure I would figure that out.

To start with I kept myself busy. I love to hike and explore. I read alot. I have a pilot's license. I enjoy dancing. For retirees with time there are endless things to do. Just staying in shape can take a lot of time. But that does not define me.

Volunteering is important and I have found two volunteer activities that right now work out for both myself and the people I help. One involves reading at a local school and the other involves helping with education activities at a local wildlife refuge.

I am still not sure this is what I want for the rest of my life. I know I am lucky to live in this country at this time. To be able to retire comfortably and to be able to ask the question of what to do with the next years. Perhaps this is just a restless time as we pursue this last phase of life.


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